Heidi Billittier, LMSW
Director of Older Adult Services

Heidi Billittier, LMSW

716-883-3331 ext.314

As I begin my fifth year as Director of Older Adult Services with Compeer, I continue to enjoy working with our team, our volunteers, and participants whom we serve. Compeer provides valuable social support for individuals as they move through their mental health journey, providing relief from loneliness and isolation.  It is a privilege to facilitate connections and watch as relationships blossom; friendship is a powerful force.

In my years working with older people, I have learned of myriad services (many under-utilized) in our community that support older people, and I enjoy connecting our clients with those supports in collaboration with our community partners. I am committed to reducing stigma associated with aging and mental health which will likely be the focus of my upcoming academic pursuit. In the spirit of continued growth and adventure, this fall of 2022, I will pursue a Doctor of Social Work degree from the State University at Buffalo.

Things that I like to do outside of work include: exploring the great outdoors and spending time with my family, friends, and their dogs.  Music and dance are important to me; my greatest loves are my two daughters, Sarah and Julia.